Elements of style of BPMN language
class BaseElement attributes id : String operations -... end --BaseElement Listing 1 – BaseElement class definition The metaclass Process (see Fig. 6 and Listing 2) describes a sequence of Activities carry out in an organization with some specific objective. If a process interacts with other processes, it must participate in a Collaboration. A collaboration groups several participants. Each Participant (aka Pool) must address only one process. Since a participant is an InteractionNode, it can send or receive MessageFlow. Fig. 6. Process metaclass connections class Process < FlowElementsContainer, CallableElement attributes processType : ProcessType isClosed : Boolean isExecutable : Boolean operations -... end -Process Listing 2 – Process metaclass definition Fig. 7 depicts some of most instantiated metaclasses when a BPMN process model is drawn. A FlowElementsContainer (which can be a Process or a SubProcess), is a container of FlowElement. A flow element can be FlowNode (see Fig. 8), SequenceFlow or DataObject. A sequence flow link the various kind of flow node. The metaclass ItemAwareElement is the abstract class of the several kind of metaclasses, representing transient (DataObject), persistent (DataStore), input data or output data to/from Activity by mean of subclasses of DataAssociation. Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 24 Fig. 7. Metaclasses instantiate in a process orchestration As one can see in Fig. 8 a FlowNode (Listing 3) can be one of several kinds: Activity (Listing 4), Event or Gateway. Fig. 8. Main subclasses of FlowNode abstract class FlowNode < FlowElement operations -... end -FlowNodeclass FlowNode < FlowElement operations -... end -FlowNode Listing 3 – FlowNode class definition abstract class Activity < FlowNode, InteractionNode attributes isForCompensation : Boolean startQuantity : Integer completionQuantity : Integer operations -... end -Activityclass Activity < FlowNode, InteractionNode attributes isForCompensation : Boolean startQuantity : Integer completionQuantity : Integer operations -... end -Activity Listing 4 – Activity class definition The definition of BPMN abstract syntax, in the USE tool notation, as well as the instantiation of the BPMN metamodel, allowed to find the following issues in the BPMN standard’s documentation: In the specification it is considered a visual shortcut the use of a non-directional data association connected to a sequence flow (page 225). However, the metamodel only allows links among instances of subclasses DataAssociation and Activity (see Fig. 7). So, a Sequence Flow cannot be directly linked to a DataObject via an instance of type DataAssociation. Tools that implement this visual shortcut, should instantiate the same metaclasses as the regular solution (a DataOutputAssociation going out an activity to a DataObject and DataInputAssociation coming from the same DataObject instance to other activity); The metamodel does not allow a Subprocess to receive/send a message flow. This constraint introduces a limitation in the modularization of a process in sub-processes when there are interactions among participants. The elements that participate in an interaction must appear at top level in the process. Modelers tend to ignore this constraint and deliberately, or not, they violate the metamodel. In order to allow the abovementioned representation an update was introduced in the metamodel: the inheritance relationship between Task and InteractionNode was replaced by a new inheritance between Activity and InteractionNode. An equivalent BPMN abstract syntax, albeit more concise, based on the set theory such the one presented in [69], and targeting specifically the BPMN graphical elements’, was also derived concurrently to the one attained using Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 25 the USE tool. For the abstract syntax based on set theory, the definition of a process orchestration was based on the following propositions: N is a set of FlowNode and a superset of disjoint sets of Activities A, Events E, and Gateways G, i.e., N ⊇ A, N ⊇ E, N ⊇ G, and A ∩ E ∩ G = ∅ A is a superset of disjoint sets of Task AT, CallActivity AC, and SubProcess AS, i.e., A ⊇ AT, A ⊇ AC, A ⊇ AS, and AT ∩ AC ∩ AS = ∅ AT is a superset of disjoint sets of ReceiveTask ATR, SendTask ATS, UserTask ATU, ScriptTask ATP, BusinessRuleTask ATB, ManualTask ATM, i.e., AT ⊇ ATR, AT ⊇ ATS, AT ⊇ ATU, AT ⊇ ATP, AT ⊇ ATB, AT ⊇ ATM, and ATR ∩ ATS ∩ ATU ∩ ATP ∩ ATB ∩ ATM = ∅ AS is a superset of disjoint sets of EventSubProcess ASE, Transaction AST, EmbeddedSubProcess ASB E is a superset of disjoint sets of ThrowEvent ET, and CatchEvent EC, i.e., E ⊇ ET, E ⊇ EC, and ET ∩ EC = ∅ ET is a superset of disjoint sets of EndEvent ETE, IntermediateThrowEvent ETI, i.e., ET ⊇ ETE, ET ⊇ ETI, and ETE ∩ ETI = ∅ EC is a superset of disjoint sets of StartEvent ECS, BoundaryEvent ECB, IntermediateCatchEvent ECI, i.e., EC ⊇ ECS, EC ⊇ ECB, EC ⊇ ECI, and ECS ∩ ECB ∩ ECI = ∅ G is a superset of disjoint sets of ExclusiveGateway GE, InclusiveGateway GI, ParallelGateway GP, EventBasedGateway GV, ComplexGateway GC, i.e., G ⊇ GE, G ⊇ GI, G ⊇ GP, G ⊇ ECS, G ⊇ ECB, and GE ∩ GI ∩ GP ∩ GV ∩ GC = ∅ Each Gk (with k = E, I, P, V, C) is a superset of disjoint sets of join gateway Gkj and fork gateway Gkf, i.e., Gk ⊇ Gkj, Gk ⊇ Gkf, and Gkj ∩ Gkf = ∅ S ⊆ N x N is a subset of SequenceFlows connecting FlowNode, and denote the process control flow O represents the subset of SequenceFlows that are part of the normal flow, with O ⊆ S. In this path are only include FlowNodes F\ECB X represents the subset of SequenceFlows that are part of the exception flow, with X ⊆ S. In this path are only include FlowNodes ECB such that its occurrence interrupts the execution of an activity S = O ∪ X the process control flow is the union of the normal flow and exception flow C ⊆ S is a subset of SequenceFlows connecting FlowNode, and denote all the conditions which are part of the control flow So, a BPMN process, described using the graphical elements of BPMN elements shown in Fig. 3, can be defined alternatively as follows: Definition (BPMN Process Orchestration). A BPMN process Orchestration is a tuple P = (N, A, E, G, T, S, AT, AC, AS ATR, ATS, ATU, ATP, ATB, ATM, ASE, AST, ASB, ET, EC, ETE, ETI, ECS, ECB, ECI, GE, GI, GP, GV, GC, Gky (with k = E, I, P, V, C and y = j, f), S, O, X, C ) Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 26 5. The catalog of BPMN rules We present herein the rules that, attached to the metamodel, can contribute for achieving better quality in the representation of process models through BPMN. Each rule will be presented either in one or all of three forms: (1) in textual form; (2) with pictures illustrating its correct usage and exemplifying its violation; and (3) in a formal form using OCL syntax. Since OCL expressions are generally too large, we opt to wrap them up with a logical operation. The details of logical operations are available in the already mentioned script made available on-line4, which merges the metaclasses and associations definitions as well as the OCL constraints. Some of rules are quite simple and are explicitly stated in BPMN specification. Only tools that only provide mere design aid do not enforce them. Other rules are more elaborated and distilled from the details of process design and execution referenced in several sources [7]. Practitioners have also given some contributions, namely by promoting process diagrams’ modeling best-practices [70] [71]. In this document we do not elicited all the BPMN modeling rules. The reason was that plenty of those rules can be directly derived from the metamodel and therefore do not need to be explicitly stated or enforced by OCL constraints. Some examples of those rules are the following: A Gateway cannot have incoming or outgoing Message Flow: since a Gateway is not an InteractionNode, it cannot be the source or target of a Message Flow; A Data Store cannot be the source or a target of a Sequence Flow: A SequenceFlow must have as source or a target a FlowNode, and a Data Store is an ItemAwareElement and not a FlowNode; A Message Flow must have a source and a target: the cardinality of the associations A_targetRef_messageFlow, and A_sourceRef_messageFlow in the metamodel is 1 regarding the InteractionNode side, which makes it mandatory a Message Flow to have a source and a target. 5.1. Flow control well-formedness rules Collaboration (aka pools) The Collaboration diagram depicts the interactions among participants (shown as pools) through message flows that connect two pools (or the objects within the pools). Collaboration may include processes within the pools and/or Choreographies between the pools [1] (pages 109 and 111). 5.1.1. Only one implicit pool can exist in a collaboration A pool is not required to contain a process, i.e., it can be a “black box”. On the other hand, one and only one pool in a collaboration diagram may be presented without a boundary. In this case it is assumed that the Process has an implicit pool. If there is more than one Pool in the diagram, then all the remaining pools must have a boundary [1] (page 112). 4 http://sdrv.ms/16EvDjG Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 27 Fig. 9. – Only one implicit pool can exist in a collaboration Picture’s interpretation: Correct: Only one implicit pool may exist in the collaboration (Fig. 9 top). Wrong: Two implicit pools are not allowed in a collaboration (Fig. 9 bottom). A well-formedness rule regarding processes and participants can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the Collaboration element of the BPMN metamodel: The difference among the number of processes and participants must not surpass one. Therefore only one Process can have an implicit pool. The well-formedness rule regarding implicit pool can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the Collaboration element of the BPMN metamodel. context Collaboration inv aCollaborationCanOnlyHaveOneImplicitProcess: countAllProcessesInCollaboration() countAllPoolsInCollaboration()= 0 Listing 5 – Only one implicit pool can exist in a collaboration Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 28 Process A Process describes a sequence or flow of Activities in an organization with the objective of carrying out work. In BPMN a Process is depicted as a graph of Flow Elements, which are a set of Activities, Events, Gateways, and Sequence Flows that represents what an organization does in order to accomplish specific objectives. Processes can be defined either at enterprise-wide level or low level such as the work performed by a single person [1] (page 145). 5.1.2. A Process is an abstraction of more detailed Process, if its normal flow is contained by the second Process’s normal flow A full detailed process, also known as private process, includes several features of process modeling, such as documentation elements (Artifacts), organization elements (Pools/Lanes), exception flow elements (Intermediate and Boundary Events), and data flow elements (Data Objects and Data Stores). The normal flow is the description of the basic control flow of the Process. Therefore, the normal flow is a simplified view that provides an abstraction of the full detailed process. By collapsing flow elements (Activities, Events, and Gateways) and Sequence Flow of the normal flow, one can transform a private process, into a public process without changing its underlying structure. Furthermore, one can build a more concrete perspective of the process from a more abstract one, by adding elements related to documentation, organization, exception flow, or data flow. Conversely, one can turn a process more abstract by removing detail from a more concrete perspective. Boundary Intermediate Events, in general, and Cancel, Error, Multiple, and Parallel Multiple Intermediate Events in particular, should not be part of a normal flow. The activities that are used to communicate to the other participant(s) are the first candidates to be included in the public (abstract) process. Internal activities of a private process can be collapsed or even removed from the public process. Therefore, the public process would show the message flows as well as the order of those message flows that are needed to interact with another processes, since public processes can be modelled separately or within a collaboration to show the flow of messages between the public process activities and other participants [1] (page 23). Given two processes A and B, it is necessary for B to be an abstraction of A that in the two top-level processes: B possesses lesser or equal number of flow nodes (activities, events and gateways) than A; B possesses lesser or equal number of sequence flows than A; B possesses lesser or equal number of incoming message flow than A; B possesses lesser or equal number outgoing message flow than A; B possesses greater or equal number of sub-processes than A; Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 29 Fig. 10. –A Process is an abstraction of more detailed Process, if its normal flow is contained by the second Process’s normal flow Picture’s interpretation: Correct: The private process depicted at top, can be abstracted through the public process depicted at middle; Wrong: The process depicted at bottom is not an abstraction of the public process since there are more incoming message flows than in the detailed process. To check whether a process is a valid abstraction of another process, can be done by an OCL function attached to the Process element of the BPMN metamodel. Process::isAbstraction(p : Process) : Boolean = self.totalNumberContainerFlowNodes() <= p.totalNumberContainerFlowNodes() and self.totalNumberContainerSequenceFlows() <= p.totalNumberContainerSequenceFlows() and self.bpmnOutputMessageFlows()->size() <= p.bpmnOutputMessageFlows()->size() and self.bpmnInputMessageFlows()->size() <= p.bpmnInputMessageFlows()->size() and self.totalNumberContainerSubProcesses() >= p.totalNumberContainerSubProcesses() Listing 6 – A Process is an abstraction of more detailed Process, if its normal flow is contained by the second Process’s normal flow 5.1.3. A public Process may not be executable A private process can be executable and non-executable. An executable process is a process that has been modelled for the purpose of being executed according to the semantics of a process execution language. A non-executable private process is a process that has been modelled only for documentation purposes. Therefore, information provided for execution, doesn’t need to be included in a non-executable private process [1] (page 23). Conversely, public processes are usually modeled to show only the relevant flow elements of the collaboration they made with external clients. Therefore, since the internal details of public processes are omitted from the model they cannot be executed [1] (page 147). The well-formedness rule regarding process execution can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the process element of the BPMN metamodel. context Process inv publicProcessIsNotExecutable: self.processType = ProcessType::Public implies self.isExecutable <> true Listing 7 – A public Process may not be executable Moreover, if a process is an abstract version of another private process, the former process is necessarily a public process and therefore cannot be executable. Regarding Fig. 10, the process depicted at middle must be of type Public and therefore non-executable. 5.1.4. A Top-Level Process can only be instantiated by a restricted set of Start Events types Any container (process or sub-process) that does not have a parent container is considered a top-level Process [1] (page 238). Top-level processes can have one of seven types of start events (see Fig. 4, first column): none, message, timer, conditional, signal, multiple, and parallel [1] (page 112) . Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 30 Fig. 11. – A Top-Level Process can only be instantiated by a restricted set of Start Events types Picture’s interpretation: Correct: A top-level process is instantiated by allowed types of start events (none and a message types) (top); Wrong: A top-level process is instantiated by an invalid type of start event (escalation type) (bottom). The well-formedness rule regarding start events can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the StartEvent element of the BPMN metamodel. context StartEvent inv topLevelProcessHasRestrictedTypeOfStartEvents: isContainerTopLevelProcess() Listing 8 – A Top-Level Process can only be instantiated by a restricted set of Start Events types 5.1.5. A Call Activity must only call a Callable Element A Callable Element can be called, by a Call Activity (known as Reusable Sub-Process in BPMN 1.2) [1] (page 186). The Call Activity inherits the attributes and model associations of Activity [1] (page 185). The elements that can be called by Call Activities are Process and GlobalTask (i.e., elements of type CallableElements) [1] (page 186). When the callable element is a process the None Start Event is used for invoking the process from the call activity. All other types of start events are only applicable when the process is used as a top-level process. Fig. 12. – A Call Activity must only call a Callable Element Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 31 Picture’s interpretation: Correct: The Call Activity Activity3 (top) can reuse the process such as the one at the middle with a none and a message type start events; Wrong: The Call Activity Activity3 (top) cannot reuse the process such as the one at the bottom because it is not a reusable process (there is no untyped start event). The well-formedness rule regarding callable activities can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the CallActivity element of the BPMN metamodel. context CallActivity inv callableElementIsReusable: isCallable() Listing 9 – A Call Activity must only call a Callable Element Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 32 SubProcess A Sub-Process is a compound Activity which can be used to break down another container (Process or SubProcess) and give it further detail. 5.1.6. The messages flows interacting with a collapsed view of a sub-process must be the same as the depicted in the detailed view of the same sub-process In BPMN, a sub-process can be used for business process modularization, to hide complexity at upper levels of the process representation, and unveiling specific details only at the lower levels [7]. As referred in section 4, since BPMN metamodel do not allow a sub-process to directly exchange messages with other external process, we replaced the inheritance relationship between Task and InteractionNode in the metamodel by a new inheritance between Activity and InteractionNode. However, to implement this modification in the metamodel, care should be taken to avoid inconsistent models, i.e., models with messages exchanged with a collapsed SubProcess, not seen in the detailed view of the SubProcess. This will be ensured, through OCL constraints that will enforce the following: A message flow from a collapsed sub-process must be replicated in the child-level diagram. A message flow to a collapsed sub-process must be replicated in the child level diagram. An incoming message flow showed in the sub-process detailed view diagram is replicated in the collapsed view of the sub-process. An outgoing message flow showed in the sub-process detailed view diagram should is replicated in the collapsed view of the sub-process. The set of elements that originate the incoming messages are the same for the collapsed and detailed sub-process The set of elements that are the target of the outgoing messages are the same for the collapsed and detailed subprocess Fig. 13. – The messages flows interacting with a collapsed view of a sub-process must be the same as the depicted in the detailed view of the same sub-process Picture’s interpretation: Correct: The Message Flows exchanged with the collapsed sub-process, at process level (top) are the same showed in the detailed view of the sub-process (middle); Wrong: There are inconsistencies between sub-process’s representations at detail level (bottom) compared with the collapsed view of the sub-process (top). The well-formedness rule regarding message flow can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the SubProcess element of the BPMN metamodel. Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 33 context SubProcess inv messageFlowIsConsistent: isMessageFlowconsistent() Listing 10 – The messages flows interacting with a collapsed view of a sub-process must be the same as the depicted in the detailed view of the same sub-process 5.1.7. A Sub-Process can only have one None Start Event A SubProcess (known as Embedded SubProcess in BPMN 1.2) can only have one type of Start Event: the None Start Event [1] (page 241). Since the sub-process starts after having been triggered by the parent process, it must be clear where the sub-process begins, i.e., the None Start Event. Fig. 14. – A SubProcess can only have one None Start Event Picture’s interpretation: Correct: In the middle we have only one None Start Event for the sub-process depicted at top; Wrong: Several None Start Events for the same sub-process. The well-formedness rule regarding start events can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the Subrocess element of the BPMN metamodel. context SubProcess inv onlyOneNoneStartEventInSubProcess: subProcesshasOnlyOneNoneStartEvent() Listing 11 – A SubProcess can only have one None Start Event 5.1.8. An Event Sub-Process can only have a single Start Event and it must be typed An Event Sub-Process must not have more than one Start Event. The allowed Start Event types are: Message, Timer, Escalation, Error, Compensation, Conditional, Signal, Multiple, and Parallel (see second column in Fig. 4). Furthermore, the non-interrupting variants of the mentioned catch events are only possible within an event sub-process, and not in a normal process (see third column in Fig. 4) [1] (page 242). Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 34 Fig. 15. – An Event Sub-Process can only have a single Start Event and it must be typed Picture’s interpretation: Correct: The picture in the middle shows one Start Event of allowed type in an Event SubProcess “Cancel Activity1” (top); Wrong: The picture in the bottom shows an untyped Start Event not allowed in an Event SubProcess. The well-formedness rule regarding start events can be enforced by attaching the following invariants to the SubProcess and StartEvent elements of the BPMN metamodel. context SubProcess inv eventSubProcessTypedStartEventAllowed: onlyTypedStartEventAllowed() inv eventSubProcessesDoNotAllowUntypedStartEvent: self.isEventSubProcess() implies self.totalNumberContainerNoneStartEvents() = 0 Listing 12 – An Event Sub-Process can only have a single Start Event and it must be typed 5.1.9. An Event Sub-Process must not have any incoming or outgoing Sequence Flows An Event SubProcess must not have incoming or outgoing Sequence Flow, since it is the Start Event that triggers the sub-process execution [1] (page 176). Fig. 16. – An Event Sub-Process must not have any incoming or outgoing Sequence Flows Picture’s interpretation: Correct: An event sub-process without incoming or outgoing Sequence Flows (top); Wrong: An event sub-process must not have any incoming or outgoing Sequence Flows (bottom). The well-formedness rule regarding incoming or outgoing sequence flows can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the SubProcess element of the BPMN metamodel. context SubProcess inv noIncomingAndOutgoingSequenceFlow: hasNoIncomingOutgoingAndSequenceFlow() Listing 13 – An Event Sub-Process must not have any incoming or outgoing Sequence Flows Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 35 Flow Nodes Flow nodes are the elements that create the main structure of a Process. These elements are Activities, Events, and Gateways. 5.1.10. If a container includes Start and End Events, as general rule, all Flow Nodes must have at least one incoming or one outgoing Sequence Flow As general rule it is not allowed to have isolated flow nodes. So flow nodes must have one incoming or one outgoing sequence flow [1] (page 99, 153, 259, 431). There are some exceptions to the rule which are Event SubProcess, Compensation Activity, Boundary Event of type compensation, and the activities contained within an Ad-Hoc SubProcess. Fig. 17. – If a container includes Start and End Events, as general rule, all Flow Nodes must have at least one incoming or one outgoing Sequence Flow Picture’s interpretation: Correct: All flow nodes are connected. The allowed exceptions are an event sub-process and a compensation activity (top); Wrong: A sub-process doesn’t have at least one incoming or one outgoing sequence flow (bottom). The well-formedness rule regarding incoming or outgoing sequence flows can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the FlowElementsContainer element of the BPMN metamodel. This rule is also covered by the invariant presented in section 5.1.55. context FlowElementsContainer inv mandatoryIncomingOrOutgoingSequenceFlow: hasIncomingOrOutgoingSequenceFlow() Listing 14 – If a container includes Start and End Events, as general rule, all Flow Nodes must have at least one incoming or one outgoing Sequence Flow 5.1.11. A Flow Node, in a container that includes start and end events, must have at least one incoming or one outgoing sequence flow If the container includes start and end events, all flow objects must have [1] (pages 99, 153, 245, 249, 259, 431): an incoming sequence flow. Exceptions are: Start Events, Boundary Events, Event SubProcess , and Compensation Activities; an outgoing sequence flow. Exceptions are: End Events, Event SubProcess, and Compensation Activities. The well-formedness rule regarding incoming or outgoing sequence flows can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the FlowNode element of the BPMN metamodel. context FlowNode inv mandatoryIncomingAndOutgoingSequenceFlow: hasIncomingAndOutgoingSequenceFlow() Listing 15 – A Flow Node, in a container that includes start and end events, must have at least one incoming or one outgoing sequence flow Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 36 Events An Event is something that affects the flow of the Process and usually has a trigger or a result. 5.1.12. Only some predefined types of Start, Intermediate and End Events are allowed in specific contexts The allowed triggers and results of Start, Intermediate and End Events in specific contexts are explicitly defined in [1] (page 261). Fig. 4 depicts all possible cases, which are enforced by the following invariants. Fig. 18. – Only some predefined types of Start, Intermediate and End Events are allowed in specific contexts (I) Picture’s interpretation: Correct: The picture at the top shows one interrupting Start Event of allowed type in an Event SubProcess; Wrong: The picture at the bottom shows an untyped interrupting Start Event not allowed in an Event SubProcess. The well-formedness rule regarding events can be enforced by attaching the following invariants to the BPMN metamodel. context StartEvent inv eventSubProcessAllowedEventType: (self.container.oclIsKindOf(SubProcess) and self.container.oclAsType(SubProcess).isEventSubProcess()) implies ((self.isInterruptingEvent() implies (not (self.isCancelEvent() or self.isNoneEvent() or self.isLinkEvent() or self.isTerminateEvent()))) and (self.isNonInterruptingEvent() implies (not (self.isCancelEvent() or self.isNoneEvent() or self.isLinkEvent() or self.isTerminateEvent() or self.isErrorEvent() or self.isCompensateEvent())))) Listing 16 – Only some predefined types of Start, Intermediate and End Events are allowed in specific contexts (I) Fig. 19. – Only some predefined types of Start, Intermediate and End Events are allowed in specific contexts (II) Picture’s interpretation: Correct: The picture at the top shows one interrupting Start Event of allowed type in an Event SubProcess; Wrong: The picture at the bottom shows an untyped interrupting Start Event not allowed in an Event SubProcess. Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 37 Fig. 20. – Only some predefined types of Start, Intermediate and End Events are allowed in specific contexts (III) Picture’s interpretation: Correct: The picture at the top shows one non-interrupting Start Event inside an Event SubProcess; Wrong: The picture at the bottom shows a non-interrupting Start Event not allowed in a top-level process. context StartEvent inv nonInterruptingStartEvTypesRestrictedToEventSubProcess: isContainerEventSubProcess() Listing 17 – Only some predefined types of Start, Intermediate and End Events are allowed in specific contexts (II) Fig. 21. – Only some predefined types of Start, Intermediate and End Events are allowed in specific contexts (IV) Picture’s interpretation: Correct: The picture at the top shows allowed event types in a top-level process; Wrong: The picture at the bottom shows an invalid type of a Boundary Event. context BoundaryEvent inv boundaryEventAllowedEventType: ((self.isInterruptingEvent()) implies (not (self.isNoneEvent() or self.isLinkEvent() or self.isTerminateEvent()))) and ((self.isNonInterruptingEvent()) implies (not (self.isCancelEvent() or self.isNoneEvent() or self.isLinkEvent() or self.isTerminateEvent() or self.isErrorEvent() or self.isCompensateEvent()))) Listing 18 – Only some predefined types of Start, Intermediate and End Events are allowed in specific contexts (III) Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 38 Fig. 22. – Only some predefined types of Start, Intermediate and End Events are allowed in specific contexts (V) Picture’s interpretation: Wrong: The picture shows an invalid type of an Intermediate Catch Event. context IntermediateCatchEvent inv intermediateCatchEventAllowedEventType: (not (self.isNoneEvent() or self.isErrorEvent()or self.isEscalationEvent()or self.isCancelEvent()or self.isTerminateEvent()or self.isCompensateEvent())) Listing 19 – Only some predefined types of Start, Intermediate and End Events are allowed in specific contexts (IV) Fig. 23. – Only some predefined types of Start, Intermediate and End Events are allowed in specific contexts (VI) Picture’s interpretation: Wrong: The picture shows an invalid type of an Intermediate Throw Event. context IntermediateThrowEvent inv intermediateThrowEventAllowedEventType: (not (self.isCancelEvent()or self.isTimerEvent()or self.isErrorEvent()or self.isTerminateEvent()or self.isParallelMultipleEvent()or self.isConditionalEvent())) Listing 20 – Only some predefined types of Start, Intermediate and End Events are allowed in specific contexts (V) Fig. 24. – Only some predefined types of Start, Intermediate and End Events are allowed in specific contexts (VII) Picture’s interpretation: Wrong: The picture shows an invalid type of an End Event. context EndEvent inv endEventAllowedEventType: not (self.isTimerEvent()or self.isConditionalEvent()or self.isLinkEvent()or self.isParallelMultipleEvent()) Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 39 Listing 21 – Only some predefined types of Start, Intermediate and End Events are allowed in specific contexts (VI) 5.1.13. Incoming Sequence Flow not allowed in a Start Event The Start Event indicates where a particular process will start. In terms of sequence flows, the Start Event starts the flow of the process, and thus, will not have any incoming sequence flows [1] (page 245). Fig. 25. – Incoming Sequence Flow not allowed in a Start Event Picture’s interpretation: Correct: Start event has no incoming sequence flows (top); Wrong: Start event has an incoming sequence flow (bottom). The well-formedness rule regarding start events can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the FlowElementsContainer and StartEvent elements of the BPMN metamodel. context FlowElementsContainer inv startEventsHaveNoIncomingSequenceFlow: self.totalContainerStartEvents() ->forAll(numberInputSequenceFlows() = 0) context StartEvent inv cannotHaveIncomingButHaveOutgoingSequenceFlow: self.inputSequenceFlows()->isEmpty() and self.outputSequenceFlows()->size() > 0 Listing 22 – Incoming Sequence Flow not allowed in a Start Event 5.1.14. Outgoing Sequence Flow not allowed in an End Event The end event indicates where a process will end. In terms of sequence flows, the end event ends the flow of the process, and thus, will not have any outgoing sequence flows [1] (page 249). Fig. 26. – Outgoing Sequence Flow not allowed in an End Event Picture’s interpretation: Correct: End Event has no outgoing sequence flows (top); Wrong: End Event has an outgoing sequence flow (bottom). The well-formedness rule regarding end events can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the FlowElementsContainer element of the BPMN metamodel. context FlowElementsContainer inv endEventsHaveNoOutgoingSequenceFlow: self.totalContainerEndEvents() ->forAll(numberOutputSequenceFlows() = 0) Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 40 Listing 23 – Outgoing Sequence Flow not allowed in an End Event 5.1.15. A Catch Event with incoming Message Flow must have Message or Multiple type A Start Event or a catching Intermediate Event with incoming Message Flow must be of type Message of Multiple [1] (page 44, 271). Fig. 27. – A Catch Event with incoming Message Flow must have Message or Multiple type Picture’s interpretation: Correct: Catch Events with incoming Message Flow are Message or Multiple types (top); Wrong: Catch Events with incoming Message Flow cannot be of Timer type (middle) or untyped (bottom). The well-formedness rule regarding Start Events or catching Intermediate Events can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the CatchEvent element of the BPMN metamodel. context CatchEvent inv incomingMessageFlowHasMessageMultipleType: self.numberInputMessageFlows() > 0 implies (self.isMessageEvent() or self.isMultipleEvent()) Listing 24 – A Catch Event with incoming Message Flow must have Message or Multiple type 5.1.16. A Catch Event must have Multiple type if there are more than one incoming Message Flow A Start Event or a catching Intermediate Event with more than one incoming Message Flow must be of type Multiple [1] (page 241, 253). Fig. 28. –A Catch Event must have Multiple type if there are more than one incoming Message Flow Picture’s interpretation: Correct: Catch Events with several incoming Message Flow are of Multiple type (top); Wrong: Catch Events with several incoming Message Flow must not be of type Message (bottom). The well-formedness rule regarding Start Events or Catching Intermediate events can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the CatchEvent element of the BPMN metamodel. Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 41 context CatchEvent inv multipleIncomingMesgFlowHasMultipleType: self.numberInputMessageFlows() > 1 implies self.isMultipleEvent() Listing 25 – A Catch Event must have Multiple type if there are more than one incoming Message Flow 5.1.17. Outgoing Message Flow not allowed in a Catch Event A Start Event or a catching Intermediate Event cannot have outgoing message flows [1] (page 251). Fig. 29. – Outgoing Message Flow not allowed in a Catch Event Picture’s interpretation: Correct: Catch Events with incoming Message Flow (top); Wrong: Catch Events with outgoing Message Flow (bottom). The well-formedness rule regarding start events or catching intermediate events can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the CatchEvent element of the BPMN metamodel. context CatchEvent inv outgoingMessageFlowNotAllowedMessageType: (self.isMessageEvent() or self.isMultipleEvent()) implies self.numberOutputMessageFlows() = 0 Listing 26 – Outgoing Message Flow not allowed in a Catch Event 5.1.18. A Throw Event with outgoing Message Flow must have Message or Multiple types. A End Event or a throwing Intermediate Event with outgoing message flow must be of type Message of Multiple [1] (page 249, 251). An End Event with outgoing Message Flow must have "Message" result. Fig. 30. – A Throw Event with outgoing Message Flow must have Message or Multiple types Picture’s interpretation: Correct: Throw Events with outgoing Message Flow are Message or Multiple types (top); Wrong: Throw Events with outgoing Message Flow are neither None or Signal types (bottom). The well-formedness rule regarding end events or throwing intermediate events can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the ThrowEvent element of the BPMN metamodel. Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 42 context ThrowEvent inv outgoingMessageFlowHasMessageMultipleType: self.numberOutputMessageFlows() > 0 implies (self.isMessageEvent() or self.isMultipleEvent()) Listing 27 – A Throw Event with outgoing Message Flow must have Message or Multiple types 5.1.19. A Throw Event must have Multiple type if there are more than one outgoing Message Flow A End Event or a throwing Intermediate Event with more than one outgoing Message Flow must be of type Multiple [1] (page 249, 251). Fig. 31. –A Throw Event must have Multiple type if there are more than one outgoing Message Flow Picture’s interpretation: Correct: Throw Events with several outgoing Message Flow are of Multiple type (top); Wrong: Throw Events with several outgoing Message Flow must not be of type Message (bottom). The well-formedness rule regarding End Events or throwing Intermediate Events can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the ThrowEvent element of the BPMN metamodel. context ThrowEvent inv multipleOutgoingMesgFlowHasMultipleType: self.numberOutputMessageFlows() > 1 implies self.isMultipleEvent() Listing 28 – A Throw Event must have Multiple type if there are more than one outgoing Message Flow 5.1.20. Incoming Message Flow not allowed in a Throw Event A End Event or a throwing Intermediate Event cannot have incoming message flows [1] (page 249, 251). Fig. 32. –Incoming Message Flow not allowed in a Throw Event Picture’s interpretation: Correct: Throw Events with outgoing Message Flow (top); Wrong: Throw Events with incoming Message Flow (bottom). The well-formedness rule regarding End Events or throwing Intermediate Events can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the ThrowEvent element of the BPMN metamodel. context ThrowEvent inv incomingMessageFlowNotAllowedMessageType: (self.isMessageEvent() or self.isMultipleEvent()) implies Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 43 self.numberInputMessageFlows() = 0 Listing 29 – Incoming Message Flow not allowed in a Throw Event 5.1.21. A Catch Link Event must have an incoming Sequence Flow. A Throw Link Event must have outgoing Sequence Flow A catching (throwing) link intermediate event is not allowed to have incoming (outgoing) sequence flows [1] (page 267-270). Fig. 33. – A Catch Link Event must have an incoming Sequence Flow. A Throw Link Event must have outgoing Sequence Flow Picture’s interpretation: Correct: The Throw Link Event has an incoming Sequence Flow and the Catch Link Event has an outgoing Sequence Flow (top); Wrong: The Throw Link Event has an outgoing Sequence Flow and the Catch Link Event has an incoming Sequence Flow (bottom). The well-formedness rule regarding link events can be enforced by attaching the following invariants to the BPMN metamodel. context CatchEvent inv catchingLinkEventHasOnlyOutgoingSequenceFlow: self.isLinkEvent() implies self.hasOutputSequenceFlows() and self.withoutInputSequenceFlows() Listing 30 – A Catch Link Event must have an incoming Sequence Flow context ThrowEvent inv throwingLinkEventHasOnlyIncomingSequenceFlow: self.isLinkEvent() implies self.hasInputSequenceFlows() and self.withoutOutputSequenceFlows() Listing 31 – A Throw Link Event must have outgoing Sequence Flow 5.1.22. Multiple Throw Link Events allowed, but only one Catch Link Event There can be multiple source Link Events, but only one can be target Link Event (page 267-270). There would be a separate virtual Sequence Flow for each of the Source Link Events. Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 44 Fig. 34. –Multiple Throw Link Events allowed, but only one Catch Link Event Picture’s interpretation: Correct: The number of Throw Link Event with the same name can be several, however there must be a single Catch Link Event for each name (top); Wrong: There are several Catch Link Events with the same name (bottom). The well-formedness rule regarding link events can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the FlowElementsContainer element of the BPMN metamodel. context FlowElementsContainer inv nameOfCatchLinkEventsMustBeUnique: nameOfCatchLinkEventsIsUnique() Listing 32 – Multiple Throw Link Events allowed, but only one Catch Link Event 5.1.23. Source and target Link Events must have names Link Events are used in pairs. In order to match throw and catch Link Events, their names must be defined [1] (page 268). Fig. 35. – Source and target Link Events must have names Picture’s interpretation: Correct: The names of the Throw Link Events and Catch Link Events are defined; Wrong: There is a Throw Link Event without a name. The well-formedness rule regarding name of link events can be enforced by attaching the following invariants to the ThrowEvent and CatchEvent elements of the BPMN metamodel. context ThrowEvent inv nameOfThrowLinkEventsMustBeDefined: isNameOfThrowLinkEventsDefined() context CatchEvent inv nameOfCatchLinkEventsMustBeDefined: Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 45 isNameOfCatchLinkEventsDefined() Listing 33 – Source and target Link Events must have names 5.1.24. Throw and Catch Link Events names must match in the same container Link Events are only used as Intermediate Events and must exist within a single Process level. So, the name of a throw Link Event must match at most one target Link Event in the same container (Process or SubProcess) (page 259). Fig. 36. – Throw and Catch Link Events names must match in the same container Picture’s interpretation: Correct: The names of the Throw and the Catch Link Event are the same (top); Wrong: The names of the Throw and the Catch Link Event do not match (bottom). The well-formedness rule regarding link events can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the FlowElementsContainer element of the BPMN metamodel. context FlowElementsContainer inv namesOfCatchAndThrowLinkEventMustMatch: matchInNamesOfCatchAndThrowLinkEvent() Listing 34 – Throw and Catch Link Events names must match in the same container 5.1.25. Intermediate Events used within normal flow require incoming and outgoing Sequence Flows An Intermediate Event must be a source for a Sequence Flow and must be also a target of a Sequence Flow, if used in normal flow and the type is None, Message, Timer, Compensation, Conditional, Signal, Multiple, or ParallelMultiple. So, an Intermediate Event used within normal flow, must have at least one incoming and one outgoing sequence flows [1] (page 259). There are some exceptions to this rule: Target Link Event cannot have incoming Sequence Flow; Source Link Event cannot have outgoing Sequence Flow; Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 46 Fig. 37. – Intermediate Events used within normal flow require incoming and outgoing Sequence Flows Picture’s interpretation: Correct: The Intermediate Event is the target and source of a Sequence Flow; Wrong: One of the Intermediate Event is not the target of a Sequence Flow. The well-formedness rule regarding intermediate events can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the FlowElementsContainer element of the BPMN metamodel. context FlowElementsContainer inv intermediateEventsMustHaveIncAndOutSeqFlow: intermediateEventsHaveIncAndOutSeqFlows() Listing 35 – Intermediate Events used within normal flow require incoming and outgoing Sequence Flows 5.1.26. Activities or Gateways without incoming Sequence Flow do not allow explicit Start Events When a container (Process or SubProcess) is modeled with Activities or Gateways (other than Compensations Activity and Event SubProcess), without incoming sequence flow, it means that it has an implicit Start Event [1] (page 153, 430). Therefore explicit Start Events are not allowed [1] (page 239). Fig. 38. – Activities or Gateways without incoming Sequence Flow do not allow explicit Start Events Picture’s interpretation: Correct: Implicit Start event from activities without incoming sequence flow; Wrong: Explicit Start Event is not allowed when there is an implicit one. The well-formedness rule regarding flow nodes can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the FlowElementsContainer element of BPMN metamodel. context FlowElementsContainer inv explicitNodeWithoutIncSeqFlowRequiresNoStartEv: existsOnlyImplicitStartEvent() Listing 36 – Activities or Gateways without incoming Sequence Flow do not allow explicit Start Events Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 47 5.1.27. Explicit Start/End Events do not allow Activities or Gateways without incoming/outgoing Sequence Flow Start Event and End event are optional [1] (page 238). However, if there is at least one explicit Start/End Event in a container (Process or SubProcess), there must not be other flow nodes such as Activity and Gateway, without incoming/outgoing sequence flow [1] (page 153, 289, 430). There are some exceptions: Compensation Activity an Event SubProcess do not have incoming and outgoing Sequence Flows. Fig. 39. – Explicit Start/End Events do not allow Activities or Gateways without incoming/outgoing Sequence Picture’s interpretation: Correct: Start event and without activities or gateways without incoming sequence flow (top); Wrong: Start event and activity without incoming sequence flow (bottom). The well-formedness rule regarding flow nodes can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the FlowElementsContainer element of BPMN metamodel. context FlowElementsContainer inv explicitStartEvRequiresNoActivOrGatWithoutInSeqFlow: explicitStartWithoutNodesWithIncomingSequenceFlow() Listing 37 – Explicit Start/End Events do not allow Activities or Gateways without incoming/outgoing Sequence Flow 5.1.28. Implicit Start Events require implicit End Events, and vice versa Explicit Start Events and End Events can be omitted. When implicit Start (End) Event is use, it requires also the use of implicit End (Start) Event [1] (page 239, 247). In this case, all Activities and Gateways without incoming sequence flows have implicit start events which have the same behavior as None Start Events. Furthermore, all Activities and Gateways without outgoing sequence flows have also implicit end events which have the same behavior as None End Events. Fig. 40. – Implicit Start Events require implicit End Events, and vice versa Picture’s interpretation: Correct: Explicit Start and End Event (top); Wrong: Implicit Start Event and explicit End Event (bottom). The well-formedness rule regarding flow nodes can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the FlowElementsContainer element of the BPMN metamodel. Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 48 context FlowElementsContainer inv implicitStartEventsRequiresImplicitEndEvents: noStartOrEndEvents() Listing 38 – Implicit Start Events require implicit End Events, and vice versa 5.1.29. Non-interrupting Start Events are only allowed in Event SubProcess When using interrupting Start Events in an Event SubProcess, the occurrence of the Start Event results in an interruption of the containing process. If however it is desirable, in spite of the Start Event occurrence, to proceed with the containing process, this can be ensured by using non-interrupting Start Events. However non-interrupting start events are only allowed inside an Event SubProcess [1] (page 242). Fig. 41. – Non-interrupting Start Events are only allowed in Event SubProcess Picture’s interpretation: Correct: Non-interrupting Start Event (top) only allowed inside an event sub-process (middle); Wrong: Non-interrupting Start Event (top) not allowed in an embedded sub-process (bottom). A well-formedness rule can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the FlowElementsContainer element of the BPMN metamodel. This rule is also covered by the invariant presented in section 5.1.12. context FlowElementsContainer inv nonInterruptingStartEventsHostedOnlyByEventSubProcess: nonInterruptingStartEventsOnlyInEventSubProcess() Listing 39 – Non-interrupting Start Events are only allowed in Event SubProcess 5.1.30. Error Intermediate Events can only be attached to Activity boundaries Error Intermediate Events can only be attached to Activity boundaries. They are catching events and can only be attached either to the boundary of Tasks or SubProcesses [1] (page 261). Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 49 Fig. 42. – Error Intermediate Events can only be attached to Activity boundaries Picture’s interpretation: Correct: Interrupting Error Event attached to an activity (top); Wrong: Interrupting Error Event not attached to an activity (bottom). A well-formedness rule can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the CatchEvent element of the BPMN metamodel. context CatchEvent inv catchingErrorEventCanOnlyBeAttachedToActivityBoundary: isCatchingErrorAttachedToActivityBoundary() Listing 40 – Error Intermediate Events can only be attached to Activity boundaries 5.1.31. Catch Error Event must trigger an exception flow Error Intermediate Events cannot be used within normal Sequence Flows. This catching event should trigger an exception flow [1] (page 255, 277). Fig. 43. – Catch Error Event must trigger an exception flow Picture’s interpretation: Correct: Error Event triggering an exception flow (top); Wrong: Error Event without an exception flow (bottom). A well-formedness rule can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the CatchEvent element of the BPMN metamodel. This rule is also covered by the invariant presented in section 5.1.55. context CatchEvent inv catchErrorEventTriggerExceptionFlow: self.isErrorEvent() implies (self.oclAsType(BoundaryEvent).attachedToRef.isDefined() and self.outgoing_a.targetRef->notEmpty()) Listing 41 – Catch Error Event must trigger an exception flow Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 50 5.1.32. A Throw Error Event must have an unnamed Catch Error Event or a Catch Error Event with the same name A throwing error is caught by an intermediate error event with the same name or unnamed attached to the sub-process border [1] (page 255) [70]. Fig. 44. – A Throw Error Event must have an unnamed Catch Error Event or a Catch Error Event with the same name Picture’s interpretation: Correct: The two names of the End Error Events (top diagram) match the names of the catch Error Events (second diagram) or have an unnamed Error Event (third diagram); Wrong: The “Err2” name of the End Error Event (top) does not match the name of the catch Error Event (bottom diagram). A well-formedness rule can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the ThrowEvent element of the BPMN metamodel. context ThrowEvent inv throwingErrorEventHasACatchErrorEventWithSameNameXORUnnamed: throwErrorHasCatchEvent() Listing 42 – A Throw Error Event must have an unnamed Catch Error Event or a Catch Error Event with the same name 5.1.33. A catching Error Event name must match the name of a thrown Error Event or be unnamed A labeled catching error must have a thrown error with the same label [1] (page 255) [70]. The catching error reacts to thrown errors with the same label. Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 51 Fig. 45. – A catching Error Event name must match the name of a thrown Error Event or be unnamed Picture’s interpretation: Correct: The two names of the End Error Events (top) are matched by the names of the two Catch Error Events (middle); Wrong: The name of the Catch End Error Event “Err3” (bottom) does not match the name of the End Error Events (top). A well-formedness rule can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the CatchEvent element of the BPMN metamodel. This rule is also covered by the invariant presented in section 5.1.32. context CatchEvent inv namedCatchingErrorEventHasThrowEventWithSameName: catchingErrorEventNameMatchThrowEventName() Listing 43 – A catching Error Event name must match the name of a thrown Error Event or be unnamed 5.1.34. Unnamed and named Catch Error Events must not be mixed If there are several catch error events attached to a sub-process boundary, they should be always labeled. Since an unlabeled error intermediate event always catches any type of error, it also reacts to errors caused by labeled events. Therefore, the resulting implicit parallel flows would be difficult to understand [1] (page 255) [70]. Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 52 Fig. 46. – Unnamed and named Catch Error Events must not be mixed Picture’s interpretation: Correct: Single unlabeled Catch Error Event (middle) that can react to Throwing Error Event “Err1” and “Err2” (top); Wrong: Unlabeled Catch Error Event mixed with a labeled Catch Error Event “Err1” (bottom). A well-formedness rule can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the CatchEvent element of the BPMN metamodel. context CatchEvent inv catchingErrorMustNotMixNamedAndUnnamedEvents: noMixNamedAndUnnamedcatchingErrorEvents() Listing 44 – Unnamed and named Catch Error Events must not be mixed 5.1.35. A Throwing Error Event must be an End Event Throwing Error Events are always End Events, since they completely abort the surrounding sub-process [1] (page 261). Fig. 47. – A Throwing Error Event must be an End Event Picture’s interpretation: Correct: Throw Error Events are End Events; Wrong: A Throw Error Event cannot be an Intermediate Event. A well-formedness rule can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the ThrowEvent element of the BPMN metamodel. This rule was already covered by the invariant presented in section 5.1.12. context ThrowEvent inv errorEventIsAlwaysEndEvent: self.isErrorEvent() implies self.oclIsTypeOf(EndEvent) Listing 45 – A Throwing Error Event must be an End Event 5.1.36. Catch Escalation Events can only be attached to activity boundaries Interrupting or non-interrupting Catch Escalation intermediate events must be attached to activity boundaries. They can be attached either to the boundary of tasks or sub-processes [1] (page 261). Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 53 Fig. 48. – Catch Escalation Events can only be attached to activity boundaries Picture’s interpretation: Correct: Interrupting Catch Escalation Event attached to an activity; Wrong: Catch Escalation Event as intermediate event. A well-formedness rule can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the CatchEvent element of the BPMN metamodel. context CatchEvent inv catchEscalationEventIsBoundaryEvent: isCatchingEscalationAttachedToActivityBoundary() Listing 46 – Catch Escalation Events can only be attached to activity boundaries 5.1.37. Catch Escalation Event must trigger an exception flow Catch Escalation Events cannot be used within normal sequence flows. This catching event should trigger an exception flow [1] (page 277). Fig. 49. – Catch Escalation Event must trigger an exception flow Picture’s interpretation: Correct: Catch Escalation Event triggering an exception flow; Wrong: Catch Escalation Event without an exception flow. A well-formedness rule can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the CatchEvent element of the BPMN metamodel. This rule is also covered by the invariant presented in section 5.1.55. context CatchEvent inv catchEscalationEventTriggerExceptionFlow: self. isEscalationEvent() implies (self.oclAsType(BoundaryEvent).attachedToRef.isDefined() and self.outgoing_a.targetRef->notEmpty()) Listing 47 – Catch Escalation Event must trigger an exception flow Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 54 5.1.38. A Throw Escalation Event must have an unnamed Catch Escalation Event or a Catch Escalation Event with the same name A labeled catching Escalation Event must have a thrown Escalation Event with the same label [1] (page 248) [70]. The catching Escalation Event reacts to thrown Escalation Event with the same label. Fig. 50. – A Throw Escalation Event must have an unnamed Catch Escalation Event or a Catch Escalation Event with the same name Picture’s interpretation: Correct: The two names of the End Escalation Events (top) match the names of the Interrupting Catch Escalation Events (middle); Wrong: The “Escalation2” name of the End Escalation Event (top) does not match the name of any Catch Escalation Event (bottom). A well-formedness rule can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the CatchEvent element of the BPMN metamodel. context ThrowEvent inv throwingEscalationEndEventIsInterrupting: isThrowingEscalationEndEventInterrupting() Listing 48 – A Throw Escalation Event must have an unnamed Catch Escalation Event or a Catch Escalation Event with the same name 5.1.39. Named and unnamed Interrupting Catch Escalation Events must not be mixed If there are several Catch Interrupting Escalation Events attached to a sub-process boundary, they should be always labeled. Since an unlabeled escalation intermediate event always catches any type of escalation, it also reacts to escalations caused by labeled events. Therefore, the resulting flows would be difficult to understand [1] (page 248) [70]. Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 55 Fig. 51. – Named and unnamed Interrupting Catch Escalation Events must not be mixed Picture’s interpretation: Correct: Single unlabeled Interrupting Catch Escalation Event (middle) that can react to Throwing Escalation End Event “Escalation1” and “Escalation2” (top); Wrong: Unlabeled Interrupting Catch Escalation Event mixed with a labeled Interrupting Catch Escalation Event “Escalation1” (bottom). A well-formedness rule can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the CatchEvent element of the BPMN metamodel. context CatchEvent inv interrCatchingEscalationMustNotMixNamedAndUnnamedEvents: noMixNamedAndUnnamedCatchingInterEscalationEvents() Listing 49 – Named and unnamed Interrupting Catch Escalation Events must not be mixed 5.1.40. Unnamed and named Catch non-Interrupting Escalation Events must not be mixed If there is several Catch non-Interrupting Escalation Events attached to a sub-process boundary, they should be always labeled. Since an unlabeled escalation intermediate event always catches any type of escalation, it also reacts to escalations caused by labeled events. Therefore, the resulting implicit parallel flows would be difficult to understand [1] (page 248) [70]. Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 56 Fig. 52. – Unnamed and named Catch non-Interrupting Escalation Events must not be mixed Picture’s interpretation: Correct: Single unlabeled non-Interrupting Catch Escalation Event (second) or Catch Escalation Intermediate Events “Escalation1” and “Escalation2” (third) that can react to Throwing Escalation Intermediate Event “Escalation1” and “Escalation2” (top); Wrong: Unlabeled non-Interrupting Catch Escalation Event mixed with a labeled non-Interrupting Catch Escalation Event “Escalation1” (bottom) A well-formedness rule can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the CatchEvent element of the BPMN metamodel. context CatchEvent inv nonInterrCatchingEscalationMustNotMixNamedAndUnnamedEvents: noMixNamedAndUnnamedCatchingNonInterEscalationEvents() Listing 50 – Unnamed and named Catch non-Interrupting Escalation Events must not be mixed 5.1.41. A Throwing Escalation End Event must be caught by an Interrupting Escalation Catch Event If an escalation is required to abort the entire activity, the attached intermediate event is an interrupting event with the same name or unnamed. In this case the throwing escalation event in the sub-process needs to be an end event. So, an Escalation End Event needs a Catch Escalation Event to react to it [1] (page 248) [70]. Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 57 Fig. 53. – A Throwing Escalation End Event must be caught by an Interrupting Escalation Catch Event Picture’s interpretation: Correct: A Throw Escalation End Event “Escalation1” (top) is caught by an Interrupting Escalation Event “Escalation1 (middle); Wrong: A Throw Escalation End Event “Escalation1” (top) is caught by a non-Interrupting Escalation Event “Escalation1” (bottom). A well-formedness rule can be enforced by the following invariant to the ThrowEvent element of the BPMN metamodel, already considered in section 5.1.38. context ThrowEvent inv throwingEscalationEndEventIsInterrupting: isThrowingEscalationEndEventInterrupting() Listing 51 – A Throwing Escalation End Event must be caught by an Interrupting Escalation Catch Event 5.1.42. A Throwing Escalation Intermediate Event must be caught by a non-Interrupting Escalation Catch Event If an intermediate escalation event does not abort its current activity, the attached boundary event of the activity, must be either a non-interrupting event with the same name of the intermediate escalation event, or unnamed. In this case the throwing escalation event in the sub-process needs to be an intermediate event. So, an Escalation Intermediate Event needs a non-interrupting Catch Escalation Event to capture it [1] (page 248) [70]. Fig. 54. – A Throwing Escalation Intermediate Event must be caught by a non-Interrupting Escalation Catch Event Picture’s interpretation: Correct: A Throw Escalation Intermediate Event “Escalation2” (top) is caught by a non-Interrupting Escalation Event “Escalation2” (middle); Wrong: A Throw Escalation Intermediate Event “Escalation2” is caught by an Interrupting Escalation Event “Escalation2” (bottom). A well-formedness rule can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the ThrowEvent element of the BPMN metamodel. context ThrowEvent inv throwingEscalationIntermediateEventIsNonInterrupting: isThrowingEscalationIntermediateEventNonInterrupting() Listing 52 – A Throwing Escalation Intermediate Event must be caught by a non-Interrupting Escalation Catch Event Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 58 5.1.43. A Throw Escalation Event must have an unnamed Catch Escalation Event or a Catch Escalation Event with the same name A labeled catching Escalation Event must have a thrown Escalation Event with the same label [1] (page 248) [70]. The catching Escalation Event reacts to thrown Escalation Event with the same label. Fig. 55. – A Throw Escalation Event must have an unnamed Catch Escalation Event or a Catch Escalation Event with the same name Picture’s interpretation: Correct: The two names of the End and Intermediate Escalation Events (top) match the names of the Interrupting and non-interrupting Catch Escalation Events (middle); Wrong: The two names of the End and Intermediate Escalation Events (top) do not match the names of the Interrupting and non-interrupting Catch Escalation Events (bottom). A well-formedness rule can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the CatchEvent element of the BPMN metamodel. This rule is already covered by invariants of sections 5.1.41 and 5.1.42. context CatchEvent inv namedCatchingEscalationEventHasThrowEventWithSameName: catchingEscalationEventNameMatchThrowEventName() Listing 53 – A Throw Escalation Event must have an unnamed Catch Escalation Event or a Catch Escalation Event with the same name 5.1.44. A Throw Signal Event must be caught by a Catch Signal Event with the same name or unnamed If a Signal Event is used to trigger an action, a Catch Signal Event with the same name or unnamed must also be used to capture it. The catching Signal Event can filter out signals that have the same name (or it can be set to react to any signal). The Throw Signal Event can reside in the same process of the Catch Signal Event or in other Process within the same collaboration [1] (page 253) [70] [71]. Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 59 Fig. 56. – A Throw Signal Event must be caught by a Catch Signal Event with the same name or unnamed Picture’s interpretation: Correct: A Throw Signal End Event “S1” is caught by a Catch Signal Event “S1” in other process (top); Wrong: A Throw Signal End Event “S2” is not caught by any Catch Signal Event in the same or other process of collaboration (bottom). A well-formedness rule can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the ThrowEvent element of the BPMN metamodel. context ThrowEvent inv existsCatchSignalEvent: hasCatchSignalEvent() Listing 54 – A Throw Signal Event must be caught by a Catch Signal Event with the same name or unnamed 5.1.45. A named Catch Signal Event captures Signal Throw Event with the same name A Catch Signal Event is used to capture a Throw Signal Event with the same name. An unnamed Catch Signal Event can capture any throwing Signal Event independently of its name. The Catch Signal Event can reside in the same process of the Throw Signal Event or in other process within the same collaboration [1] (page 253). Fig. 57. – A named Catch Signal Event captures Signal Throw Event with the same name Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 60 Picture’s interpretation: Correct: A Throw Signal End Event “S1” is caught by an unnamed Catch Signal Event in other process (top); Wrong: A Catch Signal End Event “S1” do not captures any Throw Signal Event in the same or other process of collaboration (bottom). A well-formedness rule can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the ThrowEvent element of the BPMN metamodel. This rule is already covered by the invariant of section 5.1.44. context Process inv catchingSignalEventHasThrowEventWithSameName: nameOfCatchingSignalEventMatchNameOfThrowingEvent() Listing 55 – A named Catch Signal Event captures Signal Throw Event with the same name 5.1.46. A catching Cancel Intermediate Event can only be used attached to the boundary of a Transaction Sub-Process The Catch Cancel Event is triggered when a throwing Cancel End Event is reached inside the transaction, resulting in the abortion of the transaction. The required compensations are then carried out and the exception flow at the attached cancel intermediate event is triggered [1] (page 263). A transaction cannot have a normal intermediate event (e.g. a message) attached to its boundary, because it would not perform the compensations required by the transaction before trigger the exception flow. Fig. 58. – A catching Cancel Intermediate Event can only be used attached to the boundary of a Transaction Sub-Process Picture’s interpretation: Correct: A Throw Cancel End Event within a Transaction SubProcess (top) is caught by a Catch Cancel Event (middle); Wrong: An Interrupting Catch Message Event attached to a Transaction SubProcess (bottom). A well-formedness rule can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the BoundaryEvent element of the BPMN metamodel. context BoundaryEvent inv transactionCanOnlyHaveCancelEvent: self.isAttachedActivityTransaction() implies self.isCancelEvent() Listing 56 – A catching Cancel Intermediate Event can only be used attached to the boundary of a Transaction SubProcess Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 61 5.1.47. The Cancel End Event must be contained within the Transaction SubProcess or within a lower-level child Transaction SubProcess To cancel the Transaction SubProcess, the Cancel End Event must be contained within the SubProcess or within a lower-level child SubProcess [71]. The Cancel End Event must only be used within a Transaction SubProcess and, thus, may not be used in any other type of SubProcess or Process [1] (page 263, 280). Fig. 59. – The Cancel End Event must be contained within the Transaction SubProcess or within a lower-level child Transaction SubProcess Picture’s interpretation: Correct: A Throw Cancel End Event (middle) exists within the Transaction SubProcess (top); Wrong: There is no Throw Cancel End Event within the Transaction SubProcess (bottom); A well-formedness rule can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the Transaction element of the BPMN metamodel. context Transaction inv hasCancelEndEvent: self.boundaryEventRefs-> select(oclIsTypeOf(BoundaryEvent) and isCancelEvent())->asSet()->size()>0 implies self.bpmnAllElements(self)->flatten ->select(oclIsKindOf(EndEvent) and oclAsType(EndEvent).isCancelEvent()) ->asSet()->size() > 0 Listing 57 – The Cancel End Event must be contained within the Transaction SubProcess or within a lower-level child Transaction SubProcess 5.1.48. A Terminate End Event must exist in a Transaction if there are several types of End Events At least one terminate end event must be used to finish a sub-process transaction, if there are several paths with different types of End Events. A Terminate End Event finishes successfully an entire transaction, including other paths, and the process can continue the normal flow [1] (page 248, 431, 443) [70]. Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 62 Fig. 60. – A Terminate End Event must exist in a Transaction if there are several types of End Events Picture’s interpretation: Correct: A Terminate End Event is used to finish the entire Transaction (top); Wrong: A None End Event must not be used to terminate the entire Transaction (bottom). A well-formedness rule can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the Transaction element of the BPMN metamodel. context Transaction inv multiPathsRequireTerminateEndEvent: (totalNumberContainerEndEvents() > 1) implies (totalContainerEndEvents() ->select(isTerminateEvent())->size() > 0) Listing 58 – A Terminate End Event must exist in a Transaction if there are several types of End Events 5.1.49. A Compensation End or Intermediate Event can only be used in a Sub-Process which is not a Transaction A Throwing Compensation End or Intermediate Events can be used when compensations are modeled in a SubProcess which are not a Transaction [1] (page 248) [70]. In Transactions compensation activities are automatically triggered when the transaction is aborted. Fig. 61. – A Compensation End or Intermediate Event can only be used in a Sub-Process which is not a Transaction Picture’s interpretation: Correct: A Compensation End Event is used in a regular sub-process (top); Wrong: A Compensation Intermediate Event cannot be used in a sub-process which is a Transaction (bottom). A well-formedness rule can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the Transaction element of the BPMN metamodel. Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 63 context Transaction inv trowingCompensatingEventsNotAllowed: totalContainerThrowEvents() ->select(isCompensateEvent())->size() = 0 Listing 59 – A Compensation End or Intermediate Event can only be used in a Sub-Process which is not a Transaction 5.1.50. Embedded SubProcess can have Compensation Activities explicitly called or via Event SubProcess When activities that are part of embedded sub-process have compensation activities, these activities can be called explicitly with throwing compensation event [1] (page 252). Fig. 62. – Embedded SubProcess can have Compensation Activities explicitly called or via Event SubProcess (I) Picture’s interpretation: Correct: Compensation Activities match Compensation Intermediate and End Events (top) as part of an embedded sub-process (middle); Wrong: A Transaction cannot explicitly throw Compensation Events (bottom). Compensations of a sub-process can also be handled using Event Sub-Process. In this case Event Sub-Process must have Compensation Start Event. An Event Sub-Process is started when a throwing Compensation Event of the same name occurs after that process. In contrast to other event sub-process, they are not triggered by an event of the surrounding process. Thus, the event sub-process will only be performed after the surrounding process has been finished, which results in no distinction between a non-Interrupting and an Interrupting Compensation Start Event [1] (page 252) [70]. Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 64 Fig. 63. – Embedded SubProcess can have Compensation Activities explicitly called or via Event SubProcess (II) Picture’s interpretation: Correct: Compensation End Event “Activity1” (top) throws an event that can be cached by the Start Event “Activity1” of the Event sub-process “Cancel Activity1” (expanded at bottom). This Event subprocess has an Intermediate Throw Compensation Event “Activity2” that starts the compensation of “Activity2” through Compensation Activity “Cancel Activity1” (middle). A well-formedness rule can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the FlowElementsContainer element of the BPMN metamodel. context FlowElementsContainer inv compensationActivityMustBeCalled: isCompensationActivityPartOfSubProcess() Listing 60 – Embedded SubProcess can have Compensation Activities explicitly called or via Event SubProcess 5.1.51. The name of the throwing Intermediate Compensation Event must match to the name of cancelled Activities The name of a throwing Intermediate Compensation Event must match to the name of one of the activities that can be cancelled. The name of the Compensation End Events or Compensation Intermediate Events in the same process, must match Activities that can be cancelled, since they have Compensation Activities assigned, which are called when those compensation events are thrown [1] (page 248, 252) [70]. Fig. 64. – The name of the throwing Intermediate Compensation Event must match to the name of cancelled Activities Picture’s interpretation: Correct: Compensation Throw Events are unnamed or their name match one of Activities with Compensation Activities (top); Wrong: Compensation Intermediate Throw Event “Activity3” does not match any Activity with Compensation Activity (bottom). A well-formedness rule can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the FlowElementsContainer element of the BPMN metamodel. context FlowElementsContainer inv throwCompensationEventMatchOneOfActivToBeCancelled: nameOfThrowCompensationEventMatchNameOfCancelledActiv() Listing 61 – The name of the throwing Intermediate Compensation Event must match to the name of cancelled Activities Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 65 5.1.52. An exception flow originated by Interrupting Catch Events can merge the normal flow through an Exclusive Gateway When an activity is carried out, an exception path originated from the Interrupting Catch Event can be taken due to early abortion of the activity. If later the exception path joins the normal sequence flow of the Process, it requires an Exclusive Gateway [1] (page 258, 259) [70]. Fig. 65. – An exception flow originated by Interrupting Catch Events can merge the normal flow through an Exclusive Gateway Picture’s interpretation: Correct: If the event "TimeOut" occurs, “Activity1” will be aborted, and the downwards outgoing exception flow will be taken. Later it will join the normal flow of the process via an Exclusive Gateway (top); Wrong: The exception flow joins the normal flow through an Inclusive Gateway (bottom). A well-formedness rule can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the BoundaryEvent element of the BPMN metamodel. context BoundaryEvent inv interruptingEventPathMergedByAnExclusiveGateway: pathMergedByAnExclusiveGateway() Listing 62 – An exception flow originated by Interrupting Catch Events can merge the normal flow through an Exclusive Gateway 5.1.53. An exception flow originated by Non-Interrupting Catch Events can merge the normal flow through an Inclusive Gateway An attached non-interrupting event creates a parallel path if it occurs during the execution of the respective activity. If both paths (normal and exception) merge, an inclusive gateway would be required [1] (page 258, 259) [70]. Neither a parallel gateway nor exclusive gateway is suited for this scenario. Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 66 Fig. 66. – An exception flow originated by Non-Interrupting Catch Events can merge the normal flow through an Inclusive Gateway Picture’s interpretation: Correct: If the event "TimeOut" occurs, “Activity2” will continue, and besides the normal flow, an exception flow will be taken. Later they join via an Inclusive Gateway (top); Wrong: The exception flow joins the normal flow through an Exclusive Gateway (bottom). A well-formedness rule can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the BoundaryEvent element of the BPMN metamodel. context BoundaryEvent inv nonInterruptingEventPathMergedByAnInclusiveGateway: pathMergedByAnInclusiveGateway() Listing 63 – An exception flow originated by Non-Interrupting Catch Events can merge the normal flow through an Inclusive Gateway 5.1.54. A Condition Expression must not be used if the source of the Sequence Flow is an Event A Sequence Flow can have a Condition Expression that is evaluated at runtime to determine whether or not the Sequence Flow will be used. Conditional outgoing Sequence Flows cannot have as source Events [1] (page 35, 97). Fig. 67. – A Condition Expression must not be used if the source of the Sequence Flow is an Event Picture’s interpretation: Correct: The Sequence Flow that is source of the Boundary Event is unconditional (top); Wrong: The source of a conditional outgoing sequence flow is a Boundary Event (bottom); A well-formedness rule can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the SequenceFlow element of the BPMN metamodel. context SequenceFlow inv sourceMustNotBeEvent: self.sourceRef.oclIsKindOf(Event) implies conditionExpression.isUndefined() Listing 64 – A Condition Expression must not be used if the source of the Sequence Flow is an Event 5.1.55. A Boundary Event must have exactly one outgoing Sequence Flow (unless it has the Compensation type) A Boundary Event is attached to an Activity and an outgoing exception flow comes out from it, through a Sequence Flow. Exactly one Sequence Flow is allowed from a Boundary Event except in the case that it is of type Compensation. In this particular case an Association can replace or not the Sequence Flow [1] (page 259, 440, 441). Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 67 Fig. 68. – A Boundary Event must have exactly one outgoing Sequence Flow (unless it has the Compensation type) Picture’s interpretation: Correct: Only one sequence flow has as source a Boundary Event (top); Wrong: More than one sequence flow has as source a Boundary Event (bottom). A well-formedness rule can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the BoundaryEvent element of the BPMN metamodel. context BoundaryEvent inv oneOutgoingSequenceFlow: not self.isCompensateEvent() implies self.outgoing_a->size() = 1 Listing 65 – A Boundary Event must have exactly one outgoing Sequence Flow (unless it has the Compensation type) 5.1.56. A Boundary Event must not have incoming Sequence Flow A Boundary Event is attached to an Activity and so it cannot have incoming Sequence Flow [1] (page 259). Fig. 69. – A Boundary Event must not have incoming Sequence Flow Picture’s interpretation: Correct: Boundary Event does not have incoming Sequence Flow (top); Wrong: Boundary Event has incoming Sequence Flow (bottom). A well-formedness rule can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the BoundaryEvent element of the BPMN metamodel. context BoundaryEvent inv noIncomingSequenceFlow: self.incoming_a->size() = 0 Listing 66 – A Boundary Event must not have incoming Sequence Flow 5.1.57. An Intermediate Event must have at least one incoming and outgoing Sequence Flow An Intermediate Event must have [1] (page 259): Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 68 one or more incoming and outgoing Sequence Flow if it is of type None, Escalation, Compensation, Message, Timer, Conditional, Signal, Multiple or Parallel Multiple. no incoming Sequence Flow for types Cancel and Error. Fig. 70. – An Intermediate Event must have at least one incoming and outgoing Sequence Flow Picture’s interpretation: Correct: Intermediate Catch Event has incoming and outgoing Sequence Flow (top); Wrong: Intermediate Catch Event does not have incoming Sequence Flow (bottom); The well-formedness rules can be enforced by attaching the following invariants to the IntermediateThrowEvent and IntermediateCatchEvent elements of the BPMN metamodel. This rules are already covered by invariant in section 5.1.25. context IntermediateThrowEvent inv mandatoryIncomOutSequenceFlowForThrowTypedEvents: (self.isNoneEvent() or self.isEscalationEvent() or self.isCompensateEvent() or self.isMessageEvent() or self.isTimerEvent() or self.isConditionalEvent() or self.isSignalEvent() self.isMultipleEvent() self.isParallelMultipleEvent()) implies self.incoming_a->size() > 0 and self.outgoing_a->size() > 0 context IntermediateCatchEvent inv mandatoryIncomOutSequenceFlowForCatchTypedEvents: (self.isNoneEvent() or self.isEscalationEvent() or self.isCompensateEvent() or self.isMessageEvent() or self.isTimerEvent() or self.isConditionalEvent() or self.isSignalEvent() self.isMultipleEvent() self.isParallelMultipleEvent()) implies self.incoming_a->size() > 0 and self.outgoing_a->size() > 0 Listing 67 – An Intermediate Event must have at least one incoming and outgoing Sequence Flow Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 69 Gateway A Gateway represents points of control for the paths within the Process. It controls the diverging and converging of Sequence Flow within a container. 5.1.58. A Parallel Gateway joins only non-exclusive Sequence Flows This invariant states that for merging parallel sequence flows, originated from previous split with parallel gateways, a merging parallel gateway should be used [1] (page 293-295) [70]. So, for merging non-exclusive Sequence Flows, a merging parallel gateway could be used. Typical scenarios where this can occur are: A Parallel Gateway joins non-exclusive tokens previously derived from an Event Based Parallel Gateway; A join Parallel Gateway merge non-exclusive Sequence Flows originated from an Inclusive Gateway; Multiple outgoing Sequence Flows of an activity correspond to several non-exclusive sequence flows, and they can also be merged by a parallel gateway. Fig. 71. – A Parallel Gateway joins only non-exclusive Sequence Flows (I) Picture’s interpretation: Correct: A parallel gateway (Gateway3) must be used to join non-exclusive sequence flows previously split apart from an activity (top diagram) and parallel gateway (Gateway1) (middle diagram) ; Wrong: An exclusive gateway (Gateway2 in third diagram and Gateway1 (in fourth, fifth and sixth diagrams) precedes a parallel gateway (Gateway3) that must handle only non-exclusive sequence flows (bottom). If a Parallel Gateway is expecting a token from all of its incoming Sequence Flow and one never arrives, the Process will deadlock. A deadlock is a situation where the flow of the Process cannot continue because a requirement of the model is not satisfied [71]. The diagrams below depict some situations where deadlock will occurs. Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 70 Fig. 72. – A Parallel Gateway joins only non-exclusive Sequence Flows (II) Picture’s interpretation: Wrong: (1) A Parallel Gateway (“Gateway3”) is used to join non-exclusive Sequence Flows previously split from a Parallel Gateway (“Gateway1”) and exclusive Sequence Flows from an Exclusive Gateway (“Gateway2”) (top); (2) A Parallel Gateway (“Gateway3”) is used to join non-exclusive Sequence Flows previously split from an Event Based Parallel Gateway (“Gateway1”) and exclusive Sequence Flows from an Exclusive Gateway (“Gateway2”) (2nd diagram); (3) A Parallel Gateway (“Gateway3”) is used to join non-exclusive Sequence Flows resulting from split from an Inclusive Gateway (“Gateway2”) and exclusive Sequence Flows from an Event Based Exclusive Gateway (“Gateway1”) (3rd diagram); (4) A Parallel Gateway (“Gateway3”) is used to join non-exclusive Sequence Flows resulting from an Activity (“Activity1”) and exclusive Sequence Flows from an Exclusive Gateway (“Gateway1”) (4rd diagram); (5) A Parallel Event Based Gateway (“Gateway3”) is used to join exclusive tokens coming from an Exclusive Gateway (“Gateway1”). Furthermore, there are two parallel branches with catch events expecting messages that could never arrive (bottom). The well-formedness rule regarding parallel gateways can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the Gateway element of the BPMN metamodel. context Gateway inv mergingParallelGwayIsPrecededBySplitWithParallelGway: (self.isJoin() and self.oclIsTypeOf(ParallelGateway)) implies existsPrecedentSplitElementNonExclusive() Listing 68 – A Parallel Gateway joins only non-exclusive Sequence Flows An Inclusive Gateway can be used for merging of Sequence Flows initiated from splitting Exclusive or Parallel Gateways. The use of an Inclusive Gateway for merging sequence flows that were created by a combination of various types of gateways, can produce a more compact representation. However this is not a recommended modeling practice [70]. Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 71 Fig. 73. – A Parallel Gateway joins only non-exclusive Sequence Flows (III) Picture’s interpretation: Not Recommended: An Inclusive Gateway (“Gateway3”) must not be used to join exclusive tokens previously coming from an Exclusive Gateway (“Gateway1”). The best-practice rule regarding inclusive gateways can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the Gateway element of the BPMN metamodel. context Gateway inv mergingInclusiveGwayIsPrecededBySplitWithSeveralGwayTypes: (self.isJoin() and self.oclIsTypeOf(InclusiveGateway)) implies existsPrecedentSeveralSplitElementTypes() Listing 69 – A Parallel Gateway joins only non-exclusive Sequence Flows 5.1.59. A join Exclusive Gateway must merge only exclusive Sequence Flows This invariant states that the sequence flows arriving at a merging exclusive gateway must be exclusive [1] (page 290-292) [70]. So, if an exclusive gateway is used for merging, one must ensure that only one entrance receives a token. This can be achieved by checking whether exactly one sequence flow will be selected in every case, such as in the following situations: modeling the preceding splits only with Exclusive Gateways; modeling the preceding splits with previously mentioned elements or/and Event Based Exclusive Gateway. When an Event Based Exclusive Gateway is used without intermediate events or Receive Activities, an Expression must be attached to the outgoing sequence flows of the Event Based Exclusive Gateway; modeling the preceding splits with previously mentioned elements and/or Activities with conditional sequence flows. modeling a sequence flow loop. Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 72 Fig. 74. – A join Exclusive Gateway must merge only exclusive Sequence Flows (I) Picture’s interpretation: Correct: (1) A merging exclusive gateway (Gateway3) receives only exclusive sequence flows, since it is preceded by splits with exclusive sequence flows (Gateway1 and Gateway2) (top); (2) A merging exclusive gateway (Gateway3) receives only exclusive sequence flows, since it is preceded by splits from an Event Based Exclusive Gateway with Expression attached to outgoing Sequence Flows (Gateway1) and an Exclusive Gateway (Gateway2) (2nd from top); (3) A merging exclusive gateway (Gateway3) receives only exclusive sequence flows, since it is preceded by an Activity (Activity1) that splits conditional sequence flows and an Exclusive Gateway (Gateway1) (3rd from top); (4) A merging exclusive gateway as result of a sequence flow loop (bottom). Likewise the abovementioned situations, invalid models can also arise when the merging Exclusive Gateway does not matched with the appropriate split gateway such as in the following cases: A splitting Parallel Gateway or Event-Based Parallel Gateway precedes a merging Exclusive Gateway, thus non-exclusive tokens are forward, resulting in more than one non-exclusive Sequence Flow arriving to the Exclusive Gateway in the same process instance, even though the Exclusive Gateway could only deal with one of them. A splitting Inclusive Gateway precedes a merging Exclusive Gateway, and thus non-exclusive Sequence Flows could be sent by the Inclusive Gateway resulting in more than one token arriving the Exclusive Gateway which cannot be dealt by it; Parallel sequence flows generated by a splitting Activity cannot be processed by a merging Exclusive Gateway. Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 73 Fig. 75. – A join Exclusive Gateway must merge only exclusive Sequence Flows (II) Picture’s interpretation: Wrong: (1) A splitting Parallel Gateway (Gateway1) precedes a merging Exclusive Gateway (Gateway3) that cannot handle non-exclusive sequence flows (top); (2) A Parallel splitting Event Based Gateway (Gateway1) precedes a merging Exclusive Gateway (Gateway3) that cannot deal with non-exclusive sequence flows (2nd from top); (3) A splitting Inclusive Gateway (Gateway2) preceding a merging Exclusive Gateway (Gateway3), can generate non-exclusive tokens that Gateway3 is unable to deal with (3 rd from top); (4) Parallel sequence flows are generated by the splitting task Activity1. However Gateway3, a merging Exclusive Gateway, can only deal with exclusive tokens (bottom). The well-formedness rule regarding Exclusive Gateways can be enforced by attaching the following invariants to the Gateway element of the BPMN metamodel. context Gateway inv mergingExclGatewayIsPrecededBySplitWithExclGateway: (self.isJoin() and self.oclIsTypeOf(ExclusiveGateway)) implies precedentSplitElementIsExclusive() Listing 70 – A join Exclusive Gateway must merge only exclusive Sequence Flows (I) The previous invariant ensures that the Sequence Flows, coming from the previous Flow Nodes of an Exclusive Gateway, only carry on an exclusive token. The following invariant is more general since it covers loops situations, as well as it ensures that on the path of an exclusive gateway, there are no other kinds of gateways that generate non-exclusive tokens. context Gateway inv joinExclusiveGatewayHasOnlyExclusiveTokens: joinExclusiveGatewayIsTargetOfExclusiveTokens() Listing 71 – A join Exclusive Gateway must merge only exclusive Sequence Flows (II) 5.1.60. A Data-Based Exclusive Gateway must have exclusive outgoing Sequence Flows The outgoing Sequence Flows in Data-Based Exclusive Gateway must have conditions. Alternatively, if the Sequence Flows do not have conditions, the first element in each outgoing sequence flow must be a catching Intermediate Event. This kind of events can be replaced by a Receive Activity. However, Intermediate Events and Receive Tasks cannot be mixed. Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 74 Fig. 76. – A Data-Based Exclusive Gateway must have exclusive outgoing Sequence Flows Picture’s interpretation: Correct: (1) A Data-Based Exclusive Gateway with outgoing Sequence Flows that have conditions (top); (2) A Data-Based Exclusive Gateway where the first element in each outgoing sequence flow is a catching Intermediate Event (2nd from top); Wrong: (1) A Data-Based Exclusive Gateway where catching Intermediate Event are mixed with Receive Activity (3rd from top); (2) A Data-Based Exclusive Gateway with outgoing Sequence Flows without conditions (bottom). The well-formedness rule regarding Gateways can be enforced by attaching the following invariants to the Gateway element of the BPMN metamodel. context Gateway inv multipleExitsDataBasedExclGatewayMustHaveCond: dataBasedExclusiveGatewayHasConditions() Listing 72 – A Data-Based Exclusive Gateway must have exclusive outgoing Sequence Flows 5.1.61. A Gateway must have either multiple incoming Sequence Flow or multiple outgoing Sequence Flow A Gateway must either merge or split the flows. The well-formedness rule regarding Gateways can be enforced by attaching the following invariants to the Gateway element of the BPMN metamodel. context Gateway inv mergeOrFork: self.isJoin() or isSplit() Listing 73 – A Gateway must have either multiple incoming Sequence Flow or multiple outgoing Sequence Flow 5.1.62. A Gateway with a gatewayDirection property of converging must have multiple incoming Sequence Flow A Gateway with a gatewayDirection property of converging must have multiple incoming Sequence Flow. However, it must not have multiple outgoing Sequence Flow. Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 75 The well-formedness rule regarding Gateways can be enforced by attaching the following invariants to the Gateway element of the BPMN metamodel. context Gateway inv convergingGateway: self.gatewayDirection = GatewayDirection::Converging implies (self.numberInputSequenceFlows() > 1 and self.numberOutputSequenceFlows() <= 1) Listing 74 – A Gateway with a gatewayDirection property of converging must have multiple incoming Sequence Flow 5.1.63. A Gateway with a gatewayDirection property of diverging must have multiple outgoing Sequence Flow A Gateway with a gatewayDirection property of diverging must have multiple outgoing Sequence Flow. However, it must not have multiple incoming Sequence Flow. The well-formedness rule regarding Gateways can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the Gateway element of the BPMN metamodel. context Gateway inv divergingGateway: self.gatewayDirection = GatewayDirection::Diverging implies (self.numberOutputSequenceFlows() > 1 and self.numberInputSequenceFlows() <= 1) Listing 75 – A Gateway with a gatewayDirection property of diverging must have multiple outgoing Sequence Flow 5.1.64. An Event Gateway must have two or more outgoing Sequence Flow The well-formedness rule regarding Gateways can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the EventBasedGateway element of the BPMN metamodel. context EventBasedGateway inv twoOrMoreSequenceFlows: self.numberOutputSequenceFlows() >= 2 Listing 76 – An Event Gateway must have two or more outgoing Sequence Flow 5.1.65. A Conditional Sequence Flow must not be used if the source Gateway is of type Event-Based The well-formedness rule regarding Gateways can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the SequenceFlow element of the BPMN metamodel. context SequenceFlow inv sourceMustNotBeEventBasedGateway: self.sourceRef.oclIsKindOf(EventBasedGateway) implies conditionExpression.isUndefined() Listing 77 – A Conditional Sequence Flow must not be used if the source Gateway is of type Event-Based 5.1.66. A Condition Expression must be defined if the source of the Sequence Flow is an Exclusive or Inclusive Gateway The well-formedness rule regarding Gateways can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the SequenceFlow element of the BPMN metamodel. context SequenceFlow inv sourceMustBeExclusiveInclusiveGateway: (self.sourceRef.oclIsKindOf(ExclusiveGateway) or self.sourceRef.oclIsKindOf(InclusiveGateway)) implies conditionExpression.isDefined() Listing 78 – A Condition Expression must be defined if the source of the Sequence Flow is an Exclusive or Inclusive Gateway Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 76 5.1.67. The target of the Event Based Gateway must be Receive Task or specific Intermediate Catch Event The target of the Gateway’s outgoing Sequence Flow must be one of the following elements: A Receive Task, an Intermediate Catch Event of type Message, Timer, Signal, Conditional or Multiple. The exceptions are Choreography Activities. The well-formedness rule regarding Gateways can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the EventBasedGateway element of the BPMN metamodel. context EventBasedGateway inv targetMustBeSpecific: self.outgoing_a.targetRef ->forAll(oclIsTypeOf(ReceiveTask) or (oclIsTypeOf(IntermediateCatchEvent) and (oclAsType(CatchEvent).isMessageEvent() or oclAsType(CatchEvent).isTimerEvent() or oclAsType(CatchEvent).isSignalEvent() or oclAsType(CatchEvent).isConditionalEvent() or oclAsType(CatchEvent).isMultipleEvent() ))) Listing 79 – The target of the Event Based Gateway must be Receive Task or specific Intermediate Catch Event 5.1.68. Receive Tasks used in an Event Based Gateway configuration must not have any attached Boundary Event The well-formedness rule regarding Gateways can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the EventBasedGateway element of the BPMN metamodel. context EventBasedGateway inv receiveTasksWithoutBoundaryEvent: self.outgoing_a.targetRef ->select(oclIsTypeOf(ReceiveTask)) ->collect(oclAsType(Task).boundaryEventRefs)->isEmpty() Listing 80 – Receive Tasks used in an Event Based Gateway configuration must not have any attached Boundary Event 5.1.69. Message Intermediate Catch Events are used as alternative to Receive Tasks If Message Intermediate Catch Events are used as Target for the Gateway's outgoing Sequence Flow, then Receive Tasks must not be used and vice versa. The well-formedness rule regarding Gateways can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the EventBasedGateway element of the BPMN metamodel. context EventBasedGateway inv receiveTasksWithoutMessageEventVV: (self.outgoing_a.targetRef ->select(oclIsTypeOf(IntermediateCatchEvent)) ->collect(oclAsType(CatchEvent).isMessageEvent()) ->notEmpty() implies self.outgoing_a.targetRef ->select(oclIsTypeOf(ReceiveTask))->isEmpty()) and (self.outgoing_a.targetRef ->select(oclIsTypeOf(ReceiveTask))->notEmpty() implies self.outgoing_a.targetRef ->select(oclIsTypeOf(IntermediateCatchEvent)) ->collect(oclAsType(CatchEvent).isMessageEvent()) ->isEmpty()) Listing 81 – Message Intermediate Catch Events are used as alternative to Receive Tasks 5.1.70. Target elements in an Event Gateway must not have other incoming Sequence Flow Target elements in an Event Gateway configuration must not have any additional incoming Sequence Flow (in addition to the one from the Event Gateway). The well-formedness rule regarding Gateways can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the EventBasedGateway element of the BPMN metamodel. context EventBasedGateway inv targetElementsMustHaveOnlyOneIncomingSeqFlow: self.outgoing_a.targetRef ->forAll(numberInputSequenceFlows() = 1) Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 77 Listing 82 – Target elements in an Event Gateway must not have other incoming Sequence Flow 5.1.71. A Parallel or Complex Gateway must not have outgoing Conditional Sequence Flow The well-formedness rule regarding Gateways can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the SequenceFlow element of the BPMN metamodel. context SequenceFlow inv sourceMustNotBeParalellComplexGateway: self.sourceRef.oclIsKindOf(ParallelGateway) or self.sourceRef.oclIsKindOf(ComplexGateway) implies conditionExpression.isUndefined() Listing 83 – A Parallel or Complex Gateway must not have outgoing Conditional Sequence Flow Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 78 Activity An Activity represents work performed during some period of time, using resources of the organization, in the context of a process. The Activity requires some input, and produces some output. 5.1.72. An Activity with multiple Conditional Sequence Flows must have at least two outgoing Sequence Flows If an Activity has various outgoing Sequence Flows, the sequence flows leaving the activity should have conditions. Such Activity must have at least two outgoing Sequence Flow and at least one of the Sequence Flow must be guaranteed to occur (otherwise the Process might become stuck). The completion of an Activity activates the Sequence flows with true Conditions [70]. However, normal and conditional Sequence Flows can leave an activity together. In this case, each Sequence Flow without condition diamond generates a token — the others only if their conditions are true. In this case, however, none of the outgoing Sequence Flows should be marked as default flow, because it would never be selected, since there are other Sequence Flows that always generate a token [70]. Fig. 77. – An Activity with multiple Conditional Sequence Flows must have at least two outgoing Sequence Flows Picture’s interpretation: Correct: An Activity with outgoing Sequence Flows that have conditions (top); Wrong: An Activity with one of the outgoing Sequence Flows marked as default flow, which will never be selected (bottom). The well-formedness rule regarding Conditional Sequence Flows can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the Activity element of the BPMN metamodel. context Activity inv multipleExitsActivityMustHaveConditions: outgoingSequenceFlowsHaveConditions() Listing 84 – An Activity with multiple Conditional Sequence Flows must have at least two outgoing Sequence Flows 5.1.73. A Compensation Activity must not have any incoming or outgoing Sequence Flow Only one Compensation Activity can be associated with the Compensation Intermediate Event and that Compensation Activity must not have any incoming or outgoing Sequence Flow. The well-formedness rule regarding Compensation Activity can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the Activity element of the BPMN metamodel. context Activity inv compensationActivityNoIncomingAndOutgoing: Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 79 self.isForCompensation() implies (hasNoIncomingAndOutgoingSequenceFlow() and self.incoming.sourceRef.outgoing.targetRef->size() = 1) Listing 85 – A Compensation Activity must not have any incoming or outgoing Sequence Flow 5.1.74. A Compensation Activity must reside within the Process inherent to the compensated Activity The Activity must be within the Process, either at the top level Process or within a SubProcess of the Compensation Activity. The well-formedness rule regarding Compensation Activity can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the Activity element of the BPMN metamodel. context Activity inv compensationActivityResideWithinSameProcess: self.isForCompensation() implies self.container.myProcess() = self.incoming.sourceRef.oclAsType(BoundaryEvent). attachedToRef.container.myProcess() ->asOrderedSet()->first() Listing 86 – A Compensation Activity must reside within the Process of the compensated Activity 5.1.75. A Receive Task must not have an outgoing Message Flow The well-formedness rule regarding Receive Task can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the ReceiveTask element of the BPMN metamodel. context ReceiveTask inv mustNotHaveOutgoingMessageFlow: not self.hasOutputMessageFlows() Listing 87 – A Receive Task must not have an outgoing Message Flow 5.1.76. A Send Task must not have an incoming Message Flow The well-formedness rule regarding Send Task can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the SendTask element of the BPMN metamodel. context SendTask inv mustNotHaveIncomingMessageFlow: not self.hasInputMessageFlows() Listing 88 – A Send Task must not have an incoming Message Flow 5.1.77. A Script or Manual Task must not have an incoming or an outgoing Message Flow The well-formedness rule regarding Script and Manual Task can be enforced by attaching the following invariants to the ScriptTask and ManualTask elements of the BPMN metamodel. context ScriptTask inv scriptTaskMustNotHaveIncomingOutgoingMessageFlow: not self.hasInputMessageFlows() and not self.hasOutputMessageFlows() context ManualTask inv manualTaskMustNotHaveIncomingOutgoingMessageFlow: not self.hasInputMessageFlows() and not self.hasOutputMessageFlows() Listing 89 – A Script or Manual Task must not have an incoming or an outgoing Message Flow Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 80 Sequence Flow A Sequence Flow connects and orders flow nodes (Activities, Events, and Gateways) in a container (Process or SubProcess). Variations of Sequence Flow include Conditional Sequence Flow and Default Sequence Flow. 5.1.78. A Conditional Sequence Flow cannot be used if there is only one sequence flow goes out of the element The well-formedness rule regarding Sequence Flow can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the SequenceFlow element of the BPMN metamodel. context SequenceFlow inv conditionalCannotBeUsedIfOnlyOne: (self.sourceRef.outgoing_a->size() = 1) implies conditionExpression.isUndefined() Listing 90 – A Conditional Sequence Flow cannot be used if there is only one sequence flow goes out of the element 5.1.79. Sequence Flows cannot cross the container boundaries The well-formedness rule regarding Sequence Flow can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the SequenceFlow element of the BPMN metamodel. context SequenceFlow inv cannotCrossContainerBoundaries: if self.sourceRef.oclIsKindOf(BoundaryEvent) or self.targetRef.oclIsKindOf(BoundaryEvent) then self.sourceRef.oclAsType(BoundaryEvent). attachedToRef.container = self.targetRef.container or self.targetRef.oclAsType(BoundaryEvent). attachedToRef.container = self.sourceRef.container else self.sourceRef.container = self.targetRef.container endif Listing 91 – Sequence Flows cannot cross the container boundaries 5.1.80. The source and target of a Sequence Flow must not be the same The well-formedness rule regarding Sequence Flow can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the SequenceFlow element of the BPMN metamodel. context SequenceFlow inv sourceCannotBeTarget: self.sourceRef <> self.targetRef Listing 92 – The source and target of a Sequence Flow must not be the same Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 81 Message Flow A Message Flow defines the interactions/communications between two separate participants (shown as Pools) of the collaboration diagram. 5.1.81. A Message Flow can only have as source a Message End Event, Intermediate Throw Event, Send Task, User Task, Service Task, Subprocess or a “black box” pool The well-formedness rule regarding Message Flow can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the MessageFlow element of the BPMN metamodel. context MessageFlow inv allowedSource: (self.sourceRef.oclIsTypeOf(EndEvent) implies self.sourceRef.oclAsType(ThrowEvent).isMessageEvent()) or (self.sourceRef.oclIsTypeOf(IntermediateThrowEvent) implies self.sourceRef.oclAsType(ThrowEvent).isMessageEvent()) or self.sourceRef.oclIsTypeOf(SendTask) or self.sourceRef.oclIsTypeOf(UserTask) or self.sourceRef.oclIsTypeOf(ServiceTask) or self.sourceRef.oclIsTypeOf(SubProcess) or self.sourcePool()->asOrderedSet()->first().isBlackBox() Listing 93 – A Message Flow can only have as source a Message End Event, Intermediate Throw Event, Send Task, User Task, Service Task, Subprocess or a “black box” pool 5.1.82. A Message Flow can only go to a Message Start, Intermediate Catch Event, Boundary Event, Receive Task, User Task, or Service Task, Subprocess, or “black box” pool The well-formedness rule regarding Message Flow can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the MessageFlow element of the BPMN metamodel. context MessageFlow inv allowedTarget: (self.targetRef.oclIsTypeOf(StartEvent) implies self.targetRef.oclAsType(CatchEvent).isMessageEvent()) or (self.targetRef.oclIsTypeOf(IntermediateCatchEvent) implies self.targetRef.oclAsType(CatchEvent).isMessageEvent()) or (self.targetRef.oclIsTypeOf(BoundaryEvent) implies self.targetRef.oclAsType(CatchEvent).isMessageEvent()) or self.targetRef.oclIsTypeOf(SendTask) or self.targetRef.oclIsTypeOf(UserTask) or self.targetRef.oclIsTypeOf(ServiceTask) or self.targetRef.oclIsTypeOf(SubProcess) or self.targetPool()->asOrderedSet()->first().isBlackBox() Listing 94 – A Message Flow can only go to a Message Start, Intermediate Catch Event, Boundary Event, Receive Task, User Task, or Service Task, Subprocess, or “black box” pool 5.1.83. A Message Flow must not be connected to the border of a "white Box" Pool The well-formedness rule regarding Message Flow can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the MessageFlow element of the BPMN metamodel. context MessageFlow inv doNotConnectToWhiteBox: not (self.targetPool() ->asOrderedSet()->first().isWhiteBox() or self.sourcePool() ->asOrderedSet()->first().isWhiteBox()) Listing 95 – A Message Flow must not be connected to the border of a "white Box" Pool 5.1.84. A Message must be attached to a Message Flow or must be connected to an Association connected to a Message Flow, a Send Task a Receive Task, or a Message Event Definition The well-formedness rule regarding Message can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the Message element of the BPMN metamodel. Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 82 context Message inv allowedConnectors: self.messageFlow->size() > 0 or self.sendTask->size() > 0 or self.receiveTask->size() > 0 or self.messageEventDefinition->size() > 0 Listing 96 – A Message must be attached to a Message Flow or must be connected to an Association connected to a Message Flow , a Send Task a Receive Task, or a Message Event Definition Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 83 Artifacts An Artifact provides a way of capturing additional information about a specific element or group of elements. There are three kinds of Artifacts in BPMN: Association, Group, and Text Annotation. 5.1.85. An Association should not connect two Text Annotations The well-formedness rule regarding Text Annotation can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the Association element of the BPMN metamodel. context Association inv connectTwoTextAnnotation: not (self.targetRef.oclIsTypeOf(TextAnnotation) and self.sourceRef.oclIsTypeOf(TextAnnotation)) Listing 97 – An Association should not connect two Text Annotations Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 84 5.2. Data flow well-formedness rules Data flow is a mechanism to move data between Activities. Thus, it represents the movement of data passing information to or from an Activity. An incoming data flow means that the source Data Object or Data Store must be available in order to an Activity be able to start. Graphically, directed Data Input and Output Associations connectors show the data flow between Data Object/Data Stores and Activities. 5.2.1. A reusable SubProcess has only self-contained data Any data used by a reusable SubProcess is completely separate from the data of the invoking parent Process. The reuse capability of the SubProcess relies on the fact that its data is completely self-contained. The well-formedness rule regarding Data Element in SubProcess can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the SubProcess element of the BPMN metamodel. context SubProcess inv selfContainedData: isDataSelfContained() Listing 98 – A reusable SubProcess has only self-contained data 5.2.2. A Data Object must have at least one connected Data Association The well-formedness rule regarding data objects can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the DataObject element of the BPMN metamodel. context DataObject inv connectedDataAssociation: (self.dataAssociation_a->notEmpty() or self.dataAssociation->notEmpty()) Listing 99 – A Data Object must have at least one connected Data Association 5.2.3. A Data Store must have at least one connected Data Association The well-formedness rule regarding data stores can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the DataStore element of the BPMN metamodel. context DataStore inv dataStoreconnectedDataAssociation: (self.dataAssociation_a->notEmpty() or self.dataAssociation->notEmpty())or self.dataStoreReference->notEmpty Listing 100 – A Data Store must have at least one connected Data Association 5.2.4. A Data Object Reference can only access a Data Object inside the same container or on its parent The well-formedness rule regarding data reference store can be enforced by attaching the following invariant to the DataObjectReference element of the BPMN metamodel. context DataObjectReference inv dataObjectAtSameContainerOrParent: isDataObjectAtSameContainerOrParent() Listing 101 – A Data Object Reference can only access a Data Object inside the same container or on its parent Technical Report Elements of style of BPMN language 85 5.3. Best-practices rules This section includes a set of rules aiming to suggest modeling good practices for BPMN. These rules are not mandatory, so the rules’ adoption is dependent upon process modeling and methodological procedures set out by each organization. In order to differentiate OCL constraints implementing best-practices rules from the rules enforced by the BPMN standard, the former are prefixed with “bp_”.
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- CoRR
دوره abs/1502.06297 شماره
صفحات -
تاریخ انتشار 2015